Yesterday I woke up to a letter that honestly made me cry. It was so touching, so sad, and after everything this family is going through they still took the time to thank me. I have thought about it several times and have tried to think of anything I could do since reading it. The only thing I can think of is getting her name out there, getting prayers sent her way. I asked permission to share it with you, and I ask that you in return please please PLEASE keep baby Brixton in your prayers!!
1/28/13: "I just thought that I would share a picture of the birthday girl!!! This is my sweet baby cousin!!! I bought the outfit that I did from you for a few reasons! First of all, it is way cute and very reasonably priced!! But I also chose it because my cousin has cancer and will be starting chemotherapy on Tuesday. I figured that outfit, along with the shoes, would allow her to look incredibly adorable and yet comfortable while going through the chemo. Her Mom, also my cousin, absolutely loved the outfit and shoes and so did many others at the party!!! In fact, the shoes were a big hit!! Thank you soooo very much for the gorgeous outfit and your wonderful kindness!!! You are one sweet lady and I will definitely be back soon!!! In fact, my nieces bday is coming up in May, so I will be back very soon!!! Hee hee!! Xoxo and God bless!! "

1/29/13:*Update on my baby cousin, Brixton: She had her port placed this morning and is now ready to start chemotherapy! Please continue to pray for this sweet baby! I have faith that God is going to heal her completely in Jesus name!!!!
I asked for Brixton's story to share with all of you:"As a little history, when Brixton was about 2 months old she got really sick with a fever. My cousin took her in and the dr told her that she just had a virus and just to watch her closely. Over the next few weeks, her fever came and went. My cousin knew that something was not right and went with her gut feeling and took Brixton into the ER one night where they found that she had a cyst in her lung. They told my cousin that the cyst was nothing to worry about and seeing as she was just around 3 months old at that time, the drs decided to wait until she was 6 months old to do the surgery to remove the cyst.
At 6 months old, she went in to have the surgery to remove the cyst. Surgery went well and she went home! A few weeks later they got a call to come back in. When they went in, they were told that after running tests in what they originally thought to be a cyst, it turned out to be a rare form of cancer called pleuropulmonary blastoma and that they needed to run further tests.
While running the tests, I know that they did some sort of treatment, but forgive me for not remembering the details. After that treatment, the tests showed that she was clear of all cancer! Thank you Jesus! However, since then, the Drs have decided that the best thing for Miss Brixton was to start a 40 week round of chemotherapy to help stop the cancer from returning. This form of cancer is very rare and therefore not much is known about it. But what they do know about it, is that it is aggressive.
They did, however, decide that since her last tests came out clear that it was safe to wait until after her birthday to start the chemo. So, on Saturday, we celebrated Brixtons 1st birthday and then today she went in to have her port put in and start the chemo. She will be in the hospital for a few days and then will have to go back weekly over the next 10 months. Please pray that the chemo does what it is supposed to do and gets rid of this cancer for good!! This sweet baby has her whole life ahead of her!!
God is an awesome God!! I have seen the miracles that He is capable of and I have faith that He will put a complete healing upon my sweet baby cousin right now... In Jesus name!!! Thank you and God bless!!!"
AGAIN, Please pray for this sweet baby girl! Thank you!
Is that not awesome, when you can start something and through that make Friendships that can last life times through common ground! I am glad you started it!I am also glad you kept with it, This is a wonderful story. My heart and prayers are with Brixton and her family. I love the name Brixton how awesome. God is good I do believe and my prayers are for healing. Thank you for sharing :)